Tuesday, February 16, 2010

7 Wonders of the World

This has been a pretty eventful/memorable weekend. Where do I begin.

Well today I saw my first fat London person, I swear everyone in this country is a tooth pick and could be a supermodel in their spare time if needed. I am thinking that this woman was an American who is visiting because lets face it, we have a surplus of over weight people and this country is having a fat epidemic right now.

My second memorable event was seeing one of the seven wonders of the world... Stonehenge! From what people had said before I visited, it was just rocks. So I was excited but was thinking I would be in awe for only a minute. This however was not the case. It was really amazing and beautiful. Apparently it could have been used for sacrificial reasons and some of the rocks shine blue in the sunset. But my favorite thing about Stonehenge is that ALIENS made it, I am completely convinced of this...well at least its a good story.
<--The girls at Stonehenge

Michelle and I took a 4 miles walk to and from and around Regents Park... not only is it beautiful, but the rugby and futbol men were as well. It felt good to actually do some excercise even though I am walking a lot on my own.

The next wonder that I saw was when I went to the National Gallery. It is full of beautful paintings from many amazing artist. Here are just some "not so" famous men: Monet, DiVinci, Rembrandt, Michelangelo, Picasso. Like who does that, hold paintings from the most famous artists EVER.

Finally, I went and took pictures at Tralfagar Square. Its beautful. Its one of the centers of London.
<-- Us roaring with the Lions
<-- So I couldnt get up on my own, so Taylor had to pull me up. Embaressing

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